
Level 2 - The Deal's Off

Playthrough of THE DEAL'S OFF

THE DEAL IS OFF is the second level of the SUPERHOT Prototype.

The player starts the level in the middle of a bar, looking at an enemy across a table. There is a pistol on the table. There is one enemy in a room directly behind the first one, and another behind the player at the bar.

Over time, a total of three more enemies will spawn. They can do this in the hidden room where one of the original enemies was, or in the hallway next to the bar. The level ends when there are no enemies on the map.


If the player walks forwards and to the right from the start, he will find a small room with a table and some chairs. Text will flash on the screen informing him that this is the VIP ROOM.

When approaching one of the windows NICE VIEW FOR THE LAST VIEW text is displayed.

Since the level ends when there are no enemies on the map (not when all possible enemies are killed), it is possible to complete this level by killing only three enemies, as shown in the playthrough video.
