MCD Railgun

The Railgun as seen in MIND CONTROL DELETE.

The Railgun is a firearm found only in MIND CONTROL DELETE. It fires nails at an extremely high velocity. Even when standing completely still, the projectile moves at a brisk pace, making it difficult to move out of the way of, and almost completely removing the need to lead targets even at long range.

The Railgun has 3 shots in its magazine.

The projectile has several unique properties:

  • It cannot be deflected by Katana-wielding enemies because of how fast it travels (although the player can, but this is difficult without lightreflexes.hack)
  • It will pierce any enemies and objects it comes across until it embeds itself in terrain (meaning it can kill statues regardless of where they are shot).
  • It ignores body part invulnerability.
  • Once embedded in the terrain, the projectile can be picked up and used as a lethal throwing weapon.


  • When fired by The Player, the brief speeding-up of time that firing weapons causes makes the projectile appear to almost instantaneously reach its target. However, the projectile travels at the same speed regardless of whether a player or enemy has fired it.

